When you are injured in a construction accident, you could have large medical bills and limited income while you recover. While an employer might be responsible for injuries their worker suffers on the job, third parties can share responsibility for workplace accidents. For example, the property owner may have been negligent, or a defective product could have contributed to the injury. When this happens, hiring a Chicago construction accident lawyer is crucial.
A trusted personal injury attorney can help you pursue a third-party claim when someone other than your employer is responsible for your injuries. While workers’ compensation benefits cover medical bills and lost income, you could have other losses related to the accident. A lawyer could help you recover the full compensation needed to cover expenses related to your injury.
Working on a construction job is inherently risky. Construction workers face a variety of dangers at work, including:
Construction workers can be injured in many ways, and a third party’s negligence often contributes to the injury. If a third party fails to keep construction workers safe, the injured worker should talk to a construction accident lawyer in Chicago and consider filing a lawsuit to recover damages beyond what their workers’ compensation benefits cover.
When a person or entity is negligent in keeping a construction site reasonably safe, there could be third party liability. Construction accidents often involve multiple parties. For example, construction workers could have a claim against:
While the employer is directly liable for injuries on the job and must provide workers’ compensation benefits, these do not always fully compensate the injured worker. In these cases, the worker has options. A Chicago construction accident lawyer could determine if a third party’s negligence contributed to your injury.
Not all construction accidents are caused by third-party liability, which is why you should consult an experienced Chicago construction accident lawyer about your case. Our trusted legal professionals could determine if the circumstances of your case justify filing a third-party claim.
Even if you have already filed for workers’ compensation benefits, you could have a claim if a third party was responsible for your injury. If you are a construction worker who was injured on the job, contact our office to discuss your legal rights and options.